Exactly.  And therein lies the power of the orange hat.  In addition to being a bold fashion statement, a small homage to the spirited Detroit Tigers (Mark’s hometown team), and a salute to our family’s favorite color, the orange hat is an essential tool for keeping track of each other across the world.  Mark and Finn wear their hats all the time — making them easy to spot in a crowded train station, easy to follow through a congested street, and always visible 100 yards away in any direction.  Jen too sports a more stylish orange sun hat, further testament to the family’s collective devotion to the color.  (Only Franny, in a fully-justifiable act of teenage rebellion, refuses to wear anything orange.  God bless her.)

When we get home, we’re not sure what do with the orange hats.  Retire them to a hook by the front door?  Bronze them?  Finally get the damn things washed?  Get new ones that are exactly the same?  If you’re looking for us after the trip, it’ll still be a pretty fair bet to keep your eyes open for the family with the orange hats — and the cool-looking girl with the guitar standing next to them.