In the back alleys of Peru, we were given an offer we found difficult to turn down.WARNING:  It should be noted that the above video does not begin to show the danger we were exposed to.  Due to the fact that we had to hold on to the vehicle with both hands, our ability to shoot was severely limited.  For example, the flat part featured in the video comprised only about 2% of the experience.  For the most part, we were riding on broken-down ATV’s up steep narrow embankments through the rough back hills outside of Cusco, being chased by wild dogs and dirt-caked children.  Mark and Jen lost Franny and Finn for a good ten minutes, driving wildly through the back roads looking for the kids.  But in the end, everyone had a grand time.  All in all, just another installment in Adventures In Questionable Parenting.  But our last one featuring ATV’s.