We snapped all the “faces” below in the Samburu and Masai Mara regions of Kenya:

Sub-Saharan Africa wasn’t on our original itinerary.  It was our thinking that in the future we’d make Africa a trip unto itself.  But as we began to circumnavigate the globe, we realized it would be plain wrong to make an “around-the-world trip” without including such an immense and significant portion of the planet.  (We also had the good fortune of being well-enough under budget during our first ten months of travel to allow ourselves an African adventure.)  Our time in Kenya ended up providing us some of the most grueling, most revelatory, and most memorable experiences of our entire trip.Having been to the Galapagos, Cambodia, Laos, India, and Morocco, we learned something about ourselves:  While the charms of Europe are considerable, we most enjoy “adventure travel” — when we’re getting out there as a family, challenging ourselves and discovering people, places and experiences that are completely foreign to us.  Our time in Kenya provided us yet another opportunity to test ourselves and it was incredible to have these true adventures so close to the end of our journey.