There’s high season. There’s low season. Then there’s January 27th. One of the great joys of traveling for a whole year is that for large swaths of time, you get the world to yourself.
There’s high season. There’s low season. Then there’s January 27th. One of the great joys of traveling for a whole year is that for large swaths of time, you get the world to yourself.
Where in the world are you? We are in the St John UsVI and wishing you were here. Or we were there…
Evora, Portugal. Great walled city halfway between Lisbon and the Spanish border. Get over here.
I wish I was you. All four of you.
You took one of S&G’s saddest, most heart-rending songs and during one rainy day in Portugal turned it into something about a family, all alone but together…enjoying themselves walking around under umbrellas.
I can understand why John wants to be you (all four as one).
xox, #1FANNY
You made Evora look so beautiful and you look so peaceful . 24 years ago, when we were there in Portugal it was cold and rainy; but there were floods then.This looks much better.
So happy to see that you all have “The Moves!”
If you had the city all to yourself, who was driving those cars??!
No one likes a smart aleck.
Nice dancing!
I really didn’t want that brief but lovely video (and music) to end.
I agree with Karl Epstein.
You have exquisite taste!